Movement & Animation
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Last updated
In this chapter:
Movement Direction for VR
Motion Capture & Animation (basics)
article 1: Movement Direction: Creating Character
Vanessa Ewan leads the movement direction masterclass, guiding an actor playing Nora from A Doll's House using techniques to explore physicality and enhance character transformation.
Laban Movement Analysis is a theoretical and experiential system for the observation, description, prescription, performance and interpretation of human moment. This can be used in acting and dance to create an emotional response from the audience. Rudolf Laban identified four factors of movement:
Space: Direct or Indirect
Weight: Heavy or Light
Time: Quick or Sustained
Flow: Bound or Free
Combining these parts creates the Eight Efforts:
Theoretical Imagery
For in-depth information, contact Freark Broersma:
IKinema project Orion: full body mocap from 6 HTC-Vive Trackers Perception Neuron Motion: Capture tutorial Perception Neuron Motion: Building tutorial
Mechanim & Mixamo: in Unity 5: The Basic Basics! Mecanim & Mixamo: tutorial Character Animation Mixamo Import Character Unity Unity 5: Basic Artificial Intelligence for a Non-Player Character
Research on Facial and Body Performance Capture
Facial Performance Capture using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks video (2017) Facial Performance Capture using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks paper (2017) Convolutional Neutral Networks
Software and plugins:
Unfold3D for faster UV mapping of 3D models
Octane render - gpu render
MDD Deformer for animation
Maya nCloth
Cheat a more realistic background with depth of field
3 point lighting from movies can be used in the scenes
Refractive index info n and K values for realistic reflection of certain materials:
Subdivisions off to see better quality in Cinema4D or Houdini
Import .obj and .mdd files separately instead of .fbx -file to Clo3D for better quality
Clo3D particle distance
5 for super good quality (resolution)
20 lower resolution but faster
Clo3D quats for better quality
HDR file for lighting with octane
HDR files are saved at studio shootings to get similar light for example for 3D
objects that are added