TEST: introduction VR-methods (lesson 5)
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Define virtual reality and briefly review the major types of VR technology:
Head mounted displays (HMDs)
Cave Automatic Virtual Environments (CAVEs)
2. Categorise some of the major differences between VR and traditional user interfaces such as GUIs – and how these differences lead to specific types of usability evaluation issues.
Usability testing in general: https://www.interaction-design.org/literature/topics/usability
Cognitive Walkthrough: https://www.coursera.org/lecture/ui-testing/cognitive-walkthroughs-CJvl6
Heuristic Evaluation tool: https://vroxygen.com/VRheuristics-tool-open.html & https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_hY0KFuOqww
Read source: http://people.cs.vt.edu/~bowman/papers/usability_presence.pdf
Figure 1: Evaluation Methods with and without users Have a look at - Context of Evaluation & Type of Results - Generic & Application Specific - Qualitative & Quantitative
Figure 2: Evaluation Methods: how the different methods are related
User Task Analysis
Cognitive Walkthrough
Heuristic Evaluation
Formative Evaluation
Summative Evaluation
Figure 3: Take assessments (on task analysis, sensory performance and behavioral performance)
Modified user-centered approach to the head-mounted display design cycle adapted from R.G. Eggelston (1997).