Basic assignment User Experience Design
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Analyse your design brief carefully and see what needs to be clear:
Who is my user group? Who are my stakeholders?
Why does my client want to have a VR/AR/MR experience? What the proposed purpose of the product? And, do we agree?
When will the product be used? What does this moment look like? Is it a casual moment? Does the moment occur repetitiously?
Where will the product be used? What kind of environment? What kind of feel does this environment have? Who are present? And who are not?
How is the product used? Does it need support? Is that available?
What are we going to make that is contributory to the clients needs and society as well?
Come up with as many perspectives and scenario's as you can think of. And then sort the best ones out. Create a user journey for the best scenario(s).
article 1: A Beginners' Guide to User Journey Mapping