CREATE: space through Light & Sound (lesson 4)
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Space Type Creates User Expectations
Social expectation of a space type creates privacy. The reason why you can have a bathroom with a fairly little door and still feel comfortable enough to use the bathroom is because there are all of these social constructions around bathrooms. Going into that guy’s bedroom is strange because it felt like a private space. I felt like I wasn’t supposed to be in there. But I still walked around, bumped into things. In real life, you’d be like “oh my god I’m so sorry I just walked into your bedroom and went to your desk and started grabbing things. (
“The soul has more need for the ideal than the real,” - Steven Holl
Accessibility (content & interaction)
Time (invest time & availability of time)
Depth of World (visually believable, plot/narrative believable, tasks are believable)
Distractions (exterior distractions, map & remove them)
Empathy (attachment & embodiment)
Awareness (flow; loss of awareness of time + presence; loss of awareness of real world)
What kind of light suits the soundscape's feel.
What's the storyline that you can come up with?
Make a little personal paper-cardboard box
results exercise 2: Where Thoughts Go
Plausibility Illusion (Psi): is it really happening? (What is perceived in the world) Psi is determined by the extent to which the system can produce events that directly relate to the participant, and the overall credibility of the scenario being depicted in comparison with expectations.
Place Illusion (PI): am I in a real place? (How is the world perceived) Place Illusion is ‘being there’, the qualia of having a sensation of being in a real place. PI is constrained by the sensorimotor contingencies afforded by the virtual reality system. We argue that when both PI and Psi occur, participants will respond realistically to the virtual reality.
Social Presence (do I feel connected to other people in the experience)
Emotional Presence (do I feel connection to the emotional sentiments that occur in the experience)
Active Presence (do I feel I can interfere something, can I engage in matters, do play an active part)
Embodied Presence (do I feel that my body is connected to the experience, can I move like I would like to)
Take a look in your experience and bring snippets of realistic materials. At least 7 different kinds of snippets.