IT: selection & manipulation
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article 0: Go through this powerpoint to get a quick overview of the material below.
article 1: Hands and Speech in Space
Grasping: Hand-based grasping (simple virtual hand & Go-Go interaction technique) and finger-based grasping (rigid-body fingers, soft-body fingers, god fingers)
Pointing: vector-based pointing technique (ray-casting/ray-tracing, fishing reel, image-plane pointing) and volume-based pointing technique (flashlight, aperture selection, sphere-casting) and enhancements (bend cast, depth ray, absolute & relative mapping)
Surface: (2D)dragging and rotating and (3D) pinching, void shadows, balloon selection, corkscrew widget, triangle cursor
Indirect: Indirect Control-Space: indirect touch, virtual interaction surface, levels-of-precision cursor, virtual pad and Indirect Proxy Techniques: world in miniature, Voodoo Dolls and Indirect Widget Technique: 3D widgets, virtual sphere, arcball.
Goals of selection: indicate action on object, Query object, Make object active, Travel to object location, Set up manipulation
Selection performance: variables affecting user performance, Object distance from user, Object (visual) size, Density of objects in area, Occluders
Example: FistPointer: Target Selection Technique using Mid-air Interaction for Mobile VR Environment Example: Project Soli: Next-Gen Gesture Sensing Technology from Google
article 1: 3D UI Techniques for Selection and Manipulation p1- p15.
article 2: Direct versus Indirect Manipulation in VR
article 3: Pre-Touch Sensing for Mobile Interaction
Example: Holograph: 3D spatiotemporal interactive data visualization
(Hyper)Natural & Magic Interaction
Active & Passive Interaction
Physics Objects
State Machines
article 4: Have a look at these Coursera-videos about Objects Interaction and Physics Interaction
Object Interaction Part 1: Common Interaction Patterns, Oculus developer blog Lessons from the Frontlines: Modern VR Design Patterns, Oculus developer blog Explorations in VR: object interaction design Design Problems for VR Tracking